Another kind of FAMily.

Foster Alumni Mentors (FAM) creates a community of belonging and a network of support for those who have experienced foster care.


We connect with foster alumni to “normalize” life, showing them that they are not alone, and that they have an entire community of support.


We inspire foster alumni to believe in themselves, introducing them to other alumni who are following their dreams and achieving their goals.


We empower foster alumni by providing tools that will support them in reaching their full potential and creating their unique path to success.

Our Why

Nationwide, over 20,000 youth are emancipated from the foster care system each year.

Imagine being 17 years old with little to no connections to family or people who care about you. Who supports you with securing a safe place to live, applying for a job, preparing meals, managing your money, or finding a doctor? Who comes to your aid when your car won’t start or stops by when you’ve had a tough day? Who do you turn to with questions of how to become an “adult”?

Now imagine being in your 20s, 30s, 40s or older, navigating parenthood without support or trying to figure out what you want to do or what your life goals are. Who provides guidance and encouragement for raising your kids or seeking your dreams? Who do you process your foster care experiences with and their impact on you today? Who is there to help quiet the doubts, believe in your gifts, and cheer you on no matter what?

For many of those who have experienced foster care, a “who” is hard to come by and would make all the difference. At Foster Alumni Mentors (FAM), we help with “who” through providing a range of peer-to-peer activities and individualized, staff-guided support.

We believe that with dedicated access to resources for connection, inspiration and empowerment, foster care alumni can create wildly fruitful futures and be some of the greatest contributors to our community, near and far.


We genuinely value all offerings, big and small. That goes for donations and for the types of support we offer FAM members. You never know the impact of one conversation, one care package, one bus pass, one friend, one gift—each can make a profound difference.

Teenagers in foster care

What Your Donation Makes Possible

Monthly FAM time for alumni to gather, bond and build community

Access to educational resources for financial, physical, relational, and mental health

Opportunities for professional development, leadership and vocational training

Taking care of basic needs (e.g., rent, bedding for dorms, transportation to work, baby items)

Your donation offers relief when a Members’ paycheck doesn’t quite stretch far enough to cover the unexpected car repair and they need a ride to work.

Your donation removes barriers and serves as a preventative measure to keep Members from going down paths that create chaos and uncertainty.

Your donation provides stability, gives hope, shows care, offers breathing room, and conveys a “you got this—we believe in you!”

Your donation is critical and much appreciated.



We are so impressed by the many extraordinary individuals from foster care who are everyday people in our communities creating change and inspiring hope for the next generation. Check out just a few of our Member’s amazing stories of success.

Herc has been pursuing his dream job and has been promoted to a manager position after working for just over a year there!!
We are proud of you and rooting for you to continue to catching your dreams!

Alumni Highlight

Meet Hercules

My name is Hercules, and I am 26. Some of the things that I like to do in my free time would be watch anime, play video games, spend time with my dog and bond with my daughters. One day I would like to be a voice actor and would love to do anime voice layovers; I also strive every day to make my daughters proud of me. Some of the biggest accomplishments in my life have been the family that I created, the animals that I have and my job. I am the youngest of three and have an older brother and an older sister. I have two daughters; one is three and the other one was just born on May 29th

I was born and raised in Grand junction but have spent 2 years in Seattle which is my second home.

Something I proud of is being able to provide a better life for my girls than I had.

5 fun facts about me are:

1 My birth name is Herculese Atticus
2 I have a Belgian Malinois King Shepherd
3 My youngest daughter is named after Naruto and supernatural
4 I’m an amazing cook
5 I’m in a relationship with the love of my life for 5 years now

VOLUNTEER Share Your Time

FAM is always looking for—and deeply appreciative of—people who are willing to offer their time and expertise. Whether it’s teaching a class, serving on an event committee, joining our board, helping with office work, putting together care packages or something else, we’d love to hear from you. Please click the button below to fill out our application, or to learn more ways you can contribute, check out our community partner page


Starfish Gala

May 11, 2024

FAMPoint 5K

October 5, 2024


Lexie Presents at Conference

Our very own Lexie presented about self advocacy for the first time at the Daniel’s Memorial National Independent Living Conference …

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For July FAM Time we went to the pool for a pool party! Despite a delay due to weather, everyone …

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