
Give Your Expertise and Time

Dollars aren’t the only way to donate. (Though we do appreciate every dollar!) For our Members (foster alumni), some of the most helpful contributions are that of knowledge and acknowledgement. Whether it’s sharing skills or “just” showing up to help at an event, our volunteers have a tremendous impact.

Community Mentoring Opportunities

For many in foster care, time and mental resources are spent acclimating to and surviving within the foster care system. Even if foster parent(s) or case managers provide access to or share basic “life skills” knowledge, often the youth can be deep in a trauma response and unable to receive the information. FAM seeks to bridge that gap through our community mentoring program, where community members offer classes and workshops on their area of expertise (e.g., an accountant might provide “Budgeting 101”).

One thing we know for sure, our Members want to learn! They have shared with us what skills they would love to have more knowledge around, including the following “how to” areas of:

If you have any of the skill sets above and would like to share your knowledge, please consider becoming a volunteer

Event and Office Support

We host two events each year  and if you’ve ever hosted a holiday dinner or birthday party, then you know it can take a lot of work! Whether it’s brainstorming and tracking logistics, gathering donated goods and sponsorship information, prepping goodie bags for participants, setting up course signs or chairs, or anything else, we can always use help.

We also have various other program-related projects that would benefit from extra sets of eyes and hands organizing our basic needs closet, and other office to-dos that need done (but often fall to the bottom of the list).

Board of Directors

FAM is always looking for kind-hearted, foster-friendly, hop-to-it kind of people to join our board! Also, given our upcoming programming initiatives, we are especially interested in folks who have specific expertise in or connections to the following arenas:

  • Real estate
  • Business
  • Foster parent(s)
  • Fundraising
If you are able and willing to commit to approximately three (3) hours per month—including a monthly meeting (2nd Monday in the evening) and follow-up activities as needed—to serve on our board, please let us know! Our application can be found below, and feel free to reach out with any questions.

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