It’d be pretty cliché if we started this with “it takes a village” … but it’s true! Foster Alumni Mentors (FAM) would not be able to provide the comprehensive level of care and support to our Members (foster alumni) that we do without our local and national partners.
We appreciate how quickly local human services providers have accepted FAM as a much-needed resource and have been willing to build such strong partnerships. FAM both values and relies on the close collaborations we have within the community, allowing for the best quality and most comprehensive service delivery to FAM Members. Some of the nonprofit and service-based organizations we work most closely with, specifically through referrals (to and from), include:
Additionally, FAM actively connects with foster alumni and mentoring programs from around the country and attends various events, such as the Daniel Memorial Independent Living Conference and National Mentoring Summit each year. All with the purpose of improving our understanding of current trends in, and methods for, supporting foster care youth and alumni.
As a small nonprofit, our resources (focus and finances) mostly go directly to serving our Members. But as we all know from our own lives, there are day-to-day tasks that need to get done, too. This is why we’re so grateful for our business friends who offer their expertise or goods in-kind or at a lower cost, or the opportunity to spread awareness and share proceeds through donation events. If you are looking to patronize businesses who demonstrate their care about foster youth, please consider:
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